2. A garden. Despite my usual proclamations that I grow nothing but grass, I would like to put in a food-producing garden this year and this is my sunny spot. The problem is that this very overgrown bed is also where I picked up poison ivy two summers ago. Apparently, I am very allergic to poison ivy. Since the oil remains on the plant even after it goes dormant, I basically just abandoned this bed. It is time to reclaim it, but I'm hesitant (er, terrified?) to deal with the poison ivy (yes, it was that bad... two emergency room visits and over a month to heal).
3. Sand. My dad built this large sandbox the first full summer we lived in this house (2002). I borrowed a friend's little pick up and had it loaded with an obnoxious amount of sand. The truck was barely up to the job, but we managed to get the box filled. Seven years later, however, the box is badly in need of a refill, only my friend sold his truck.
4. Lawnmower. Someone who shall remain nameless tried to mow huge piles of leaves last fall and the fuel line now seems to be clogged. I've changed the oil, replaced the spark plug, had the blade sharpened, and changed the air filter on this mower, but I've never messed with fuel-y bits other than to refill the tank.
Anyone wanna help? We can make it a party. So, what can I do for you?
I'm up for the gardening part! Let me know when and what tools to bring.
Got some help around the house on Friday. It was lovely and four little pesky items are now off the 'to do' list! Of course all of the items in this post are still waiting to be tackled...
I got your mower...
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