Anyway, since it seemed like we might be spending a little time together, I named him Frank. Why a male name? I dunno... its spring. Maybe his testosterone addled brain convinced him that coming into my house would be a good idea. As I was reminded of last night, the desire to get laid makes some males do really stoopid things.
****Update**** I barricaded what I could and left the back door wide open, while I sat down to quietly do some work. After a while, I heard some rustling at the back of the house, snuck through the kitchen and found a squirrel just past the back step. Was it Frank leaving my house? It had to be. I had a little chat with him about not doing this again while he chattered at me from the tree.
Damn squirrel is trying to move in! Severe measures will have to be taken this weekend before anybody thinks about leaving baby squirrels in my basement!!!
He's still here but I can't find him anywhere. I hear him every now and then rustling around in a paper bag in the basement. I smacked every paper bag I could see in the basement, with one of owens styrofoam swords-still, no squirrel. Oh well...better get back to the cleaning. He's left muddy footprints all over the toilet seat in the basement...
well...I guess I was wrong about the paper bag sound. It was the wind blowing that piece of kid art around that is hung on the wall in the stairwell. It came down and I didn't bother to put it back up.
Muddy footprints? Well, now it is war, that is just unacceptable!
The chimney cap is up (it was actually ridiculously easy to install, how is it I never got around to it until now?!?!). Let's hope this discourages Frank from visiting again!
It did. I highly recommend chimney caps. No more Frank!
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