Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Party Shoes

With the children off enjoying a few days with the grandparents, I put on my party shoes and headed out for three different parties. Thanks to John and Dave, Natalie and Kristen, and Laura and Dave! I chatted, I ate, I sang, I kissed, and I wandered the three blocks home from the last party through the deep, perfect snow at 4:30am. It was a lovely night and bodes well for the year to come.
Happy New Year, ya'll!


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time :) We were at the Corner, and in my semi-drunken state, I thought I saw you there. Fortunately, in my semi-drunken state, I quickly forgot about the sighting and went on consuming IPA from my mug club mug :)
I am soooo glad that I didn't run up to that unsuspecting soul!

Andre said...

Nice shoes!