Apparently it has. I've started reading a book on how to get organized. It promises that I will both get more accomplished and truly savor life. The problem is that by the time I settle in to read it, I'm falling asleep. I'm all of 10 pages in after having it out from the library for 3 weeks. Yikes!
I guess I'm thinking the first step to getting something done might be to get enough sleep...
Let me know if you discover the secret!
I read this too! And (sort of for a while) implemented his system. I also purchased OmniFocus to help me make more complex lists. But recently I've abandoned it all and gone back to my more simple system. Still give it a try.
I actually read this earlier this year and blogged about it a bit here: http://stevendkrause.com/2010/02/21/thinking-about-getting-things-done/ Like a lot of these things, a lot of this is stuff that is common sense, but a lot of it is interesting and useful, too.
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