W and I stole away yesterday afternoon to the land of all things organizational to try and tackle a few of our kitchen storage issues. Armed with a tape measure and the dimensions of that large blank wall, we picked something out almost as soon as we made to the display rooms area upstairs. Of course, we then had to peruse the entire rest of the store to decide that, yes, indeed, that first piece should work. Shopping without sprogs was amazingly easy:
"Do you like this?"
"Eh. I do like that, though."
"Okay. How about this?"
"Nice, but let's stay focused."
"Right. Right."
"So we get this, that, and that, and then decide later if we need more?"
"Yes. Want to grab some dinner?"
The only snafu came when I went to measure the depth of some wall mounted cabinets. The metal end of the tape measure accidentally slipped a little too firmly into place behind the cabinets and could not be easily removed because some wall trim was too close. Okay, it went in, so it should come out... Well, the Farkle twins wiggled it this way and that. Slid it up the cabinet and down. Pushed on this while pulling that. Meanwhile, a few people wandered up behind us to snicker at our predicament before moving on. While we both had visions of just abandoning the tape measure to its new home in a kitchen display at Ikea, we managed to take turns with our giggly frustration enough to stick it out until W managed to spring it only seconds before we were going to slink away. Yeah. Not our finest moment in home remodeling, I'll admit.
AAATA #5 should go straight on Eisenhower
7 months ago
Damn, that didn't work...
try this:
ha ha ha ha out loud!
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